A picture of a tube with vitamin d in it.

Why Vitamin D is Important

Vitamin D is a hormone the kidneys produce that controls blood calcium concentration and impacts the immune system.

Vitamin D has its effects by binding to a protein (called the vitamin D receptor). This receptor is present in nearly every cell and affects many different body processes.

Adequate Vitamin D levels are directly linked to many functions within the body. For example:

  • Boosts immune system
  • Can decrease the risk of cancer
  • Strengthen bones
  • Increase alertness
  • Promotes a healthy pancreas
  • Decrease Hypertension
  • Promote stable hormone levels in males and females
  • Help aid weight loss

When was the last time you had your Vitamin D levels checked? Ask your doctor to test your Vitamin D levels at your next visit.

Do you know you’re low in Vitamin D? Give it a Shot offers a weekly shot of 5000 IUS to help boost your levels quickly and effectively.